Bumpas Flip Weighted Large Plush Doll

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  • LOVING HUGS: Weighted arms are perfectly sized to give realistic hugs and hold on to you - hands free!
  • HEART HANDS: Bumpas hands form a heart to display its unconditional love for you.
  • HAS YOUR BACK: Eyes in the back of Bumpas head keep watch and protect you.
  • SOFT & CUDDLY: Soft materials are soothing and calming.
  • Flip loves to be different. Her silly, quirky laugh is infectious and she wants you to know it's ok to be different and stand out in a crowd. No matter how different you may think you are, you are always wholeheartedly loved for exactly who you are.
  • Sometimes Flip gets lost in her imagination, but she never forgets to have fun and create fun things to do together; whether its building a sand castle or painting by numbers with your toes. Flip's gaze melts as she stares into her best friend's eyes, "You are beautifully unique and I love you in all your wonderful ways."
  • Ages: 5+
Much like a guardian angel, everyone has a guardian Bumpa. A Bumpas sole job is to always be by your side, lovingly listening to you, fiercely protecting you and wisely guiding you.

When held against your heart, a Bumpa shows its unconditional love by wrapping its arms around you while melting its heart into yours and becoming one with you. When you put our hands together they form a heart to say "My Heart Is Yours.

Bumpas are gentle, adventurous, cheery and creative. Bumpas are always your best friend. When we are hugging, the eyes behind our head are always looking around to keep you safe.
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